Old Notes From The Atkin House

Memories from the "Atkin House" kitchen, gleaned from scraps of paper... see the INTRODUCTION in the first post.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Mom and Dad lived in a large old house in the Village. It had a huge kitchen with lots of cupboard space and enough pots and pans to cook all day and never use the same pot or dish twice; or so it seemed to anyone who was assigned kitchen duty.
Addie made excellent bread. For several years she made and sold donuts ,breads and pies to the "summer residents" who came from the city to their cottages nearby.

1 loaf of Bread
3 cups flour
1 cup water
1/4 tsp sugar
1/4 T butter
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 of a yeast cake

Dad was not concerned with the method.
There are two scraps of paper written in 
 Jack's handwriting One has the amount of ingredients necessary to make fourteen 20oz loaves of bread. The other with the amounts and cost to make one loaf. I don't know what Mom charged for a loaf of bread, but Dad was making sure that it covered the cost per loaf.


  1. I'm so impressed! What a great idea! I may have a few of Addie's recipes in my cookbooks too..I'll check when I get home.

  2. Gresat picture of your Mom and Dad Maureen. And great job on the blog. The recipes look good and definitely worth trying. Some of them may already be in the Georgeville Cookbook published years ago. Will have to check.
