Old Notes From The Atkin House

Memories from the "Atkin House" kitchen, gleaned from scraps of paper... see the INTRODUCTION in the first post.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


  • Adelaide Atkin on her 94th birthday.

Anyone who spent time in Addie's kitchen knew two things for certain. One, she was an excellent cook; secondly, she was a collector. It would be impossible to count the cups of coffee and tea served to countless numbers of people, young and old, who sat at the kitchen table and became part of her tapestry of life.

While going through her collection of cookbooks and bits of paper I have found many copies of handwritten recipes from friends and relatives. One can tell a good cookbook by how well it appears to have been used. Splotches of grease and cake batter on the pages indicate the recipes were worth repeating. Moms' pages were well splattered.

I am going to include some of them here, and perhaps a few notes about the people. Who knows where this will take us.....come along for the ride.


  1. My girls and I are in! I also wanted to thank you again for the wonderful visit and dinner.

  2. Grammie tried to get me to do something other than burn the pots when I boiled water! My favourite time in her kitchen was when she taught me to bake a cake...all the pots and pans and mixing bowls etc., were of course used, but the end product was a very lop-sided gooey mess that Grandpa ate with relish! I was blessed:)
